Oktober 14, 2010

Like We Used to - A Rocket to The Moon

I can feel her breath as she's sleepin' next to me,
Sharing pillows and cold feet.
She can feel my heart, fell asleep to its beat,
Under blankets and warm sheets.

If only I could be in that bed again...
If only it were me instead of him...

Does he watch your favorite movies?
Does he hold you when you cry?
Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts when you've seen it a million times?
Does he sing to all your music while you dance to "Purple Rain?"
Does he do all these things, like I used to?

Fourteen months and seven days ago...
Oh, I know you know,
How we felt about that night.
Just your skin against the window...
Oh, we took it slow,
And we both know...
It should've been me inside that car.
It should've been me instead of him... in the dark.

Does he watch your favorite movies?
Does he hold you when you cry?
Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts when you've seen it a million times?
Does he sing to all your music while you dance to "Purple Rain?"
Does he do all these things, like I used to?

I know, love, (I'm a sucker for that feeling.)
Happens all the time, love, (I always end up feelin' cheated.)
You're on my mind, love, (or so that matter when I need it.)
It happens all the time, love, yeah.

Will he love you like I loved you?
Will he tell you everyday?
Will he make you feel like you're invincible with every word he'll say?
Can you promise me if this is right
Don't throw it all away
Can you do all these things?
Will you do all these things...
Like we used to?
Oh, like we used to...
Someday - John Legend

As days go by
and fade to nights
I still question
why you left
I wonder how
it didn't work out
but now you're gone
and memories all I have for now
but no it's not over
we'll get older we'll get over
we'll live to see the day that I hope for
come back to me
I still believe that
we'll get it right again
we'll come back to life again
we won't say another goodbye again
you'll live forever with me
someday, someday
we'll be together
someday, someday
we'll be together
I heard someday
might be today
mysteries of destinies they
are somehow
and are someway
for all we know
they come tomorrow
for today
my eyes are open
my arms are raised for your embrace
my hands are here to mend what is broken
to feel again the warmth of your face
I believe there is more to life
oh I love you much more than life
and still
I believe I can change your mind
revive what is dying inside
and someday, someday
we'll be together
someday, someday
we'll be together
someday, someday
we'll be together
we'll be together
we'll be together

Duapuluh dua

halo yg disana,
apa kabarnya ya? udah 2 bulan ga bersua nih kita
kayanya bakal setiap tanggal 14 aku begini, galau haha

bloggie lo tau ga sih? setiap tanggal 14 tuh gue selalu ditakdirkan tidur pagi, padahal gue ga sengaja nungguin atau apa loh
yg parahnya lagi semalem gue update status fb barengan, maksudnya apa coba -____-
setiap tanggal 14 juga gue ngirim banyak doa buat dia
lebih banyak dari doa-doa di hari lainnya di setiap solat gue
di setiap tanggal 14 ini juga gue memanjatkan banyak harapan buat dua orang manusia yg terpisah oleh jarak dan waktu, yg belum pasti kapan bersama lagi, atau bahkan tidak akan
di setiap tanggal 14 juga gue mengulas semua cerita tentang dua orang manusia itu
tanggal 14 menjadi hari dimana di setiap detik kebersamaan mereka tergambar jelas di otak gue, menjadi hal yg sangat amat familiar, baik detail maupun rasanya ketika semua itu menyeruak
tapi jatuhnya airmata yg keluar
airmata kebahagiaan :')
bukan karena mereka berdua udah ga sama-sama lagi, tapi karena mereka sudah mulai memunculkan niat untuk menata hidupnya yg semula berantakan karena kehilangan satu sama lain

yg hadir setiap tanggal 14 itu gelak tawa
gelak tawa yg bebas dan lepas dari bibir keduanya ketika mereka sadar mereka masih diizinkan bersama, ketika mereka tahu orang yg sedang ia ajak bicara ialah orang yg diinginkannya, ketika mereka mengerti untuk apa mereka satu sama lain saling menyayangi
yg hadir setiap tanggal 14 itu harapan
harapan untuk saling menjaga ketika mereka bertemu hal-hal diluar batas kemampuan mereka, ketika mereka merasa ga sanggup buat ngelewatinnya, ketika mereka sama-sama mengucap ingin terus berdua

tanggal 14 kali ini jumlah mereka duapuluhdua
angka yg sangat mereka nantikan
duapuluhdua melambangkan kebersamaan tiada akhir
duapuluhdua melambangkan ciri merekayg selalu berdua
duapuluhdua mengisyaratkan banyak cinta dihati mereka
selamat datang duapuluhdua

sedih rasanya kalo inget ini
ga kuat rasanya kalo setiap tanggal 14 gue ga bisa berucap langsung ke seseorang atas apa yg gue rasain
mau nangis kalo inget tanggal 14 di bulan berikutnya, yg kemungkinan rasanya masih sama
tapi semuanya pasti ada hikmah
walaupun ga muncul ke permukaan
gue harus belajar dari banyak pengalaman
jangan sedih lagi ya kalian berdua :)

Oktober 03, 2010

Misi Rahasia

gue punya beban
beban hati yg akan tuntas dengan caranya sendiri
doain gue ya bloggie, agar beban ini ga gue pikul terlalu lama
doain gue juga, beban yg sekaligus MISI RAHASIA ini akan berjalan dengan lancar